The National Education Association and Ohio Education Association Endorse Congressman Dave Joyce forReelectionJoyce becomes only Ohio Republican to be endorsed by U.S.’s largestunion of educatorsPAINESVILLE- Today, Dave Joyce for Congress announced the endorsements of theNational Education Association and the Ohio Education Association, which representover 121,000 educators in Ohio. According to the NEA’s recommended candidate list,Dave Joyce is the only Ohio Republican who earned their endorsement.In announcing their endorsement, the Ohio Education Association stated,“Congressman Dave Joyce has been a strong advocate for public education throughouthis time in the U.S. House of Representatives. OEA appreciates his pragmaticapproach to problem-solving and his willingness to support our members and students,without regard to party politics. We look forward to continuing our productive workingrelationship with Congressman Joyce to tackle tough issues facing our public schools.”“As a leader on the Appropriations Committee, I have consistently fought to fully fundour education system and voted to provide much needed emergency funding duringCOVID-19,” said Congressman Joyce. “Educators already had a difficult job. Now, weare relying on them to provide stability for our children in uncertain times. I pledge tocontinue working across the aisle to support Ohio teachers with the resources theyneed to keep our children safe while providing quality education.”Joyce voted to provide approximately $31 billion in emergency education funding tostudents, schools and institutions across the country. In May, Dave petitioned the U.S.Secretary of Education to address the increased threat of child abuse that studentsfaced while schools were forced to close during COVID-19, which led to increasedresources for teachers and students to report instances of abuse.As co-chair of the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Caucus, Joyce introducedlegislation that ensures public servants, including educators, who’s jobs have beendisrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic still qualify for Public Service Loan Forgiveness.
The National Education Association previously endorsed Dave Joyce in 2018. Inaddition to the endorsement of the Ohio Education Association, Dave Joyce has beensupported by various unions and labor organizations, including the United Association,Pipefitters Local 120, ACT Ohio, the National Air Traffic Controllers Association, and theInternational Union of Operating Engineers.