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Dave Joyce for Congress Launches TV Ad On Leadership During COVID-19

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEDate: October 21, 2020Contact: ​[email protected] Joyce for Congress Launches TVAd On Leadership During COVID-19PAINESVILLE –Today Dave Joyce for Congress released the campaign’s new TV adon Congressman Joyce’s work with Governor DeWine and members of both parties inCongress to secure critical supplies for Ohio hospitals, healthcare workers and families.Watch “Care” ​here​:In March, Dave Joyce helped ​lead​ the calls for President Trump to accept GovernorDeWine’s request for a Major Disaster Declaration in Ohio to help respond to thecoronavirus. The President approved the declaration, freeing up critical federal fundingfor local governments and non-profit organizations for emergency protective measuresacross the state.Joyce voted for the CARES Act that secured over $100 billion dollars for hospitals andsupplies for medical workers, as well as a coronavirus aid package that funded ​freecoronavirus testing.The ad “Care” ​will appear on Cleveland broadcast and cable. A transcript of the ad canbe found below.“Care”

In these challenging times, we need leaders who care and who get things done. Whenthe pandemic hit, Congressman Dave Joyce worked closely with Governor DeWine tosave lives.He secured more than $100 billion dollars for hospitals, ensured medical workers hadcritical supplies to stay safe and voted to make coronavirus testing free.Dave Joyce cares about our community and is making a big difference.

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