Dave Joyce for Congress Releases NewTV Ad Highlighting Work with LocalManufacturer to Reshore MedicalSupplies from ChinaMENTOR – Today Dave Joyce for Congress released the campaign’s third TV ad,highlighting Congressman Joyce’s work to support local manufacturing of protectiveequipment for medical workers and create jobs in Ohio. The ad features RB Sigma, amanufacturer in Mentor, Ohio which recently began manufacturing PPE through thehelp of a retooling grant that Joyce helped fund.“This pandemic has taught us an important lesson: Our dependence on China forlifesaving medicine and supplies must come to an end. Local manufacturers like RBSigma have stepped up to protect our community while creating jobs and helpingreduce this dangerous reliance on China,” said Congressman Joyce. “As a member ofthe Buy American Caucus, I’ll continue fighting to rebuild our domestic supply chains,hold China accountable, and bring back manufacturing jobs to Northeast Ohio.”The ad will appear on Cleveland broadcast and cable, reaching voters across Ohio’s14th Congressional district. A transcript of the ad can be found below.Watch “Important Lesson” here:
Joyce helped RB Sigma secure a $500,000 grant through the Retooling and ReshoringGrant Program from the Ohio Development Services Agency. This grant was fundedentirely through the $4.5 billion in relief provided to the state of Ohio through theCoronavirus Relief Fund in the CARES Act, which Joyce voted to support. In total, thisprogram has provided $20 million to Ohio manufacturers to retool their equipment toproduce PPE.In August, Congressman Joyce and other Ohio officials joined RB Sigma to announcethe donation of over 450,000 masks for poll workers throughout the state. “Important Lesson”This small business is making protective equipment for medical workers. They have 40employees, saving lives right here in Mentor Ohio.Ohio has the best workers in the world but the pandemic has taught us an importantlesson: We’re too dependent on China for lifesaving medicines and supplies.That’s why I’m fighting every day to hold China accountable and bring manufacturingjobs like these back to Ohio.